VICE CHAIRMAN, Mulk International
Adnan Ul Mulk

Adnan Ul Mulk


This was Mulk Internationals’ vision statement upon its inception. The choice we made to be the candle has made Mulk International what it is today, more luminous than ever and touching millions of people.

Since we have already established a robust foundation in the Building Industry, we are pivoting to creating additional advancements with investments across the world. Mulk Holdings’ technology-based, modern living proposals, plans to transform nations, and our ambition to delve into innovative industries are core values that strengthen our business ecosystem and allow us to pioneer against all odds. 15 years ago this was Mulk International’ first ever vision statement.

The choice we made of being the candle has made Mulk Holdings what it is now. 15 years later, the light of the candle is reaching out to millions of people and continues to shine brighter than ever. We will continue to strive for excellence in quality because that is embedded in every employee of ours. Since we have already established a strong foundation in the Building Industry, Metal Plast our plastic company and Healthcare is showing exponential growth and our new diversification in Energy Generation is moving in the right direction.
Rest I believe will be history .
Adnan Ul Mulk
Vice -Chairman, Mulk International

"There are 2 ways of spreading light– be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it!"